What is AADHAAR?
AADHAAR is a 12 digits number that will act as unique identification to every residents in India.
The Indian government has guaranteed successful identification of the residents possessing an AADHAAR number across India and enabling each for various utilities like financial services, government schemes etc.
After acquiring an AADHAAR number, you will not have to carry and submit additional identification documents . Your unique AADHAAR number will now adequately fulfill this need.
Whether AADHAAR a Card or a Number?
AADHAAR is a 12 digit number and NOT a card. And, this AADHAAR number will be sent through speed post to your home address,
wherein the letter will contain details like your AADHAAR number, enrollment id, name, address, year of birth, your guardian or spouse name and your photo.
Snapshots of letter containing AADHAAR details:
Material of the letter looks like a plastic coated/laminated paper. The quality of paper does not seem that good. The dimensions of the letter is 3.5x8.5".
AADHAAR Envelope: Front Side |
AADHAAR Envelope: Back Side |
Unpacking AADHAAR |
AADHAAR Letter: Front Side |
AADHAAR Letter: Back Side |