Many of us have a singing talent and want to sing on a good playing music. But many a times we don't get the write kind of music on which we can sing. We also sometime listens to a song and think I wish I could fit my vocals into this song. And we start searching the way to make it possible.
So here is something that can make it possible.
This post displays a step by step description to removing vocals from an audio file (e.g .mp3, .wav etc) using Audacity, which are recorded in stereo type. Follow these steps:
Step 1: Download and install Audacity from . Run it.
Step 2: Go to File->Open and select the file you want to remove vocals from. This will import the audio track.
Step 3: Click on the down arrow on the left hand side top corner of the imported track menu and select Split Stereo Track. This will split the single stereo track into two; Left and Right.
Step 4: Select the 'Right' track by clicking on the area above 'mute' and 'solo' buttons. This will highlight the 'Right' track.
Step 5: Go to Effect->Invert.
Step 6: Change 'Left' track to 'Mono' channel by clicking down arrow of 'Left' track.
Step 7: Change 'Right' track to 'Mono' channel too similarly as above.
Step 8: That's it for removing the vocal. You can now play the song and observe the difference. Follow next few steps to export this vocal removed track to an .mp3 file.
Step 9: Go to File-> Export. And give the file name and other information you what to have for this track.
Step 10: Now, to export the track to an .mp3 file you need lame encoder. If you have it, then its OK. If you don't click on the Download button and install it. And then browse the location for lame encoder (in Windows case lame_enc.dll).
LAME Encoder for windows
Please write your comments, suggestion, inputs, as they are always welcome.
So here is something that can make it possible.
This post displays a step by step description to removing vocals from an audio file (e.g .mp3, .wav etc) using Audacity, which are recorded in stereo type. Follow these steps:
Step 1: Download and install Audacity from . Run it.
Step 3: Click on the down arrow on the left hand side top corner of the imported track menu and select Split Stereo Track. This will split the single stereo track into two; Left and Right.
Step 4: Select the 'Right' track by clicking on the area above 'mute' and 'solo' buttons. This will highlight the 'Right' track.
Step 5: Go to Effect->Invert.
Step 6: Change 'Left' track to 'Mono' channel by clicking down arrow of 'Left' track.
Step 7: Change 'Right' track to 'Mono' channel too similarly as above.
Step 8: That's it for removing the vocal. You can now play the song and observe the difference. Follow next few steps to export this vocal removed track to an .mp3 file.
Step 9: Go to File-> Export. And give the file name and other information you what to have for this track.
Step 10: Now, to export the track to an .mp3 file you need lame encoder. If you have it, then its OK. If you don't click on the Download button and install it. And then browse the location for lame encoder (in Windows case lame_enc.dll).
LAME Encoder for windows
This will export the vocal removed track to a .mp3 file.
That's it! You are done!